School Partners
Our achievements over the years
Afterward they opened a school namely Hamara School at Mallah Ka Nagla, Aligarh in the year 1997 where these children were provided free Education including supply of text books, stationeries etc.
Happy Children
On Donation Support
Partners in Education
Years of Establishment
We need to work together and shape the futures we want!
Giving is not just about make a donation, its about making a difference.
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Enrichment Programs
Children in the slums don’t get proper attention which is the main reason they lag behind as compared to other kids and lack awareness and importance of education.
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Evening Classes
The classes are also conducted on daily basis at the evening time. We have hired skilled teachers from the same locality so that the children don’t have to travel everyday.
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Health Awareness Programme
Poverty and illiteracy have resulted in lack of awareness and wide spread ill health among the general public. We are taking care of heath related problems of slum people with your generous contributions.
We help people live better in these ways.
Progressive Education
It is important to learn mathematics, and language, and science, but it is equally important to learn tolerance, gender equality, and respect for diversity, how to resolve disputes at home; things which seem to have become incidental to education.
Certified Curriculum
School follows new assessment method proposed by CBSE. We make sure that the books are prescribed as per the norms and guidelines of CBSE curriculum. Focus is more on activity based learning. We have also introduced vocational training for the students.
Increasing teacher training that is aligned to the trainees’ competencies can produce more effective teachers. Keeping in mind the importance of teachers’ training, we provide teachers’ training. These training are being conducted by UNICEF, AMU, Gurushala, etc.
100% On Donation
Every child, no matter who they are or where they come from, deserves access to education. We provide free education, mid-day meal, school uniforms, school course, etc. to all. We do not charge any fee from students. It runs 100% on donation.

1. Charity For Education
An investment in knowledge pays the best dividends.

2. Enrichment Programs
Early enrichment program to boost children go to school.

3. Evening Classes
Bringing education for poor tribal children through evening classes.

4. Health Awareness
Building a Nation of Healthy Children, Together.
Water today. Health tomorrow.
Hope for generations.
“Lets toil under the sun to build poles of love. And let our roots be planted like strong trees that strong winds can’t move.”