India has the world’s fastest-growing population. As much as 320 million citizens are below the age of 18 years. Yet, two decades of studies have inundated with data pointing in an unsettling direction: less than 25% of the country’s students graduate from 10th standard; less than 10% make it to college.
For India’s most impoverished children – the vast majority of the country’s youth – the four walls of a classroom are their only pathway to a better life. It is also their safe heaven.For some, it is a space to seek reprieve from the chaos and abuse of life at home. The current crisis deeply threatens that safe heaven. It is also cutting off access to nutrition and basic supplies.
Survey was conducted by our students to find out the needy families. Families were struggling to eat even a meal in a day. The condition worsened by the sudden lockdown due to pandemic.
Ration kits were distributed to the needy families. It was also distributed door to door. Our enthusiastic students participated in this drive. It was really a great effort from our students who did this work intensively. Families were not left alone during pandemic rather they were given ration kits continuously for around 5-6 months.
Teachers’ training was organised in order to facilitate the teachers with different kinds of applications and gadgets and how to use them for online classes. Focus was on online teaching and their modes.
In order to assure that our students do not lag behind, we conducted telephonic survey by our teachers to find out availability of students for online classes. Class teachers were assigned the duty of calling each parent individually and check if they had the gadgets necessary for online classes.
We raised a campaign for sponsoring school course books for our students. By the grace of Almighty, we found the donors who arranged school course books for our students. We distributed the books to students and with that we started Online Classes.
Students those do not have mobile or other gadgets required for online classes were lagging behind. In order to facilitate their classes, they are being called individually. Teachers explain the concept to them and they are given homework and subject worksheets. Keeping Government Orders in consideration and following social distancing norms, a day in a week is allotted for individual classes. We started offline classes in the mid of September.
As per the Government Orders, two classes were supposed to be conducted. WhatsApp Groups of all the classes were created and online classes commenced in the first week of August 2020.Teachers make videos, audios, worksheets, pictures of the subjects and lessons which are to be taken in class. Teachers post the contents as per their schedule in respective classes and remain available to take their queries from 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM. Students should not face any difficulties while doing homework; teachers are also available to take the queries of students in the evening from 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM.
Telephonic counselling is being done to students those they are not submitting their homework or responding. Parents are being counselled to look after their children during online classes.
Students those do not have mobile or other gadgets required for online classes were lagging behind. In order to facilitate their classes, they are being called individually. Teachers explain the concept to them and they are given homework and subject worksheets. Keeping Government Orders in consideration and following social distancing norms, a day in a week is allotted for individual classes. We started offline classes in the mid of September.